Deputy Do Right - Right by Kids Program
Meet Deputy Do-Right™
Choose Right with Deputy Do-Right
- Choose to buckle up in the car!
- Choose to look both ways when crossing the street!
- Choose to “say no” to drugs and alcohol!
- Choose to be kind to younger and smaller children!
- Choose to be safe and careful around people you don’t know!
- Choose to be smart – study hard and pay attention in school!
Deputy Do-Right’s favorite saying to help keep children safe all around Yavapai County:
The Need for Safety Education
The need for kids to receive quality, meaningful guidance from dedicated leaders has never been greater. Therefore, “Do-Right” instruction will be provided by trained representatives from the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office. Programs may be presented by a sworn deputy, a civilian employee, or a Volunteer in Protection (V.I.P.). Use of the expertise of a variety of employees within the Y.C.S.O. will provide the latest and most dynamic methods of training. One of the key aspects of the “Right by Kids” program will be its flexibility. We will offer instruction to children within several age ranges. Younger children, grades k-3 will learn valuable lessons about making healthy choices, protecting themselves against bullying and improving self-esteem. Messages about drugs will be presented using methods and demonstrations suitable to their age group. Older children will also receive instruction tailored to fit their maturity level. This program will not be exclusive to schools. Sheriff Rhodes’ “Right by Kids” program is available to youth groups, clubs, and church organizations county wide.

What Parents Should Know
The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office is proud to have created an innovative child safety education program intended to provide kids with information and ideas to keep them safe, healthy and drug free. Professionals from the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office, along with our program mascot, Deputy Do-right, visit Yavapai County schools and other youth groups with these important messages. Children today are confronted at earlier ages with issues regarding illegal drugs. One important aspect of the“Right by Kids” program is to reach young children with age-appropriate messages about these harmful drugs.
Here are a few things PARENTS should know...
- Once children begin to attend school, they develop an increasing interest in the world outside of the family and home.
- Children of all ages look to their parents for examples of appropriate conduct.
- Even young children can be taught to understand that drugs interfere with the way our bodies work and that they can make a person very sick or even cause them to die.
- Explain the idea of addiction – that drug use can become a very bad habit that is hard to stop.
- Research has shown kids who learn anti-drug messages in the home are 54% less likely to start using.
- Educate yourself about the drugs that your children face in their world.
- Always be clear about your opinions of drug use.
- Express your feelings along with facts about dangerous drugs.
- is an excellent information resource for parents.
Video – Right by Kids Highlights
Video – Right by Kids Safety Lesson
It started right here in Yavapai County
This is a reprint of the story of Deputy Do-Right that was published in Sheriff’s Magazine and sent out to every sheriff’s department in the United States: Article(PDF, 2MB)
(Deputy Do-Right and the Right-by-Kids program titles are trademarked names with the US Department of Commerce.)