Published on August 14, 2024

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"I feel like I'm the quarterback who won the Super Bowl." The words of YCSO Sgt Brandon Rumpf at a retirement ceremony August 14th, describing how he views his 25-year career as a dedicated member of the agency. Sgt Rumpf said he recently spent a lot of time reflecting on his YCSO career and told the gathering of family, friends, and co-workers, "I feel so much gratitude for you."

A number of those in attendance spoke about Sgt Rumpf's impact on their lives and the way they approach their work with YCSO. Chief Deputy Jeff Newnum said he and Rumpf were cadets in the very first Northern Arizona Regional Training Academy years ago and he echoed many in the room when he cited Sgt Rumpf's "hard work ethic and his great heart towards people". Chief Newnum told Sgt Rumpf, "Our stress level would always relax when we knew you were on the scene. Your part in the legacy of this agency will never be forgotten." Commander Tom Boelts called Sgt Rumpf "one of the stars of this agency." Captain Richard Martin said, "When I think of somebody who is tough and dependable, I think of him." 

Many others who spoke cited Sgt Rumpf's compassion for people, including Sheriff David Rhodes who recounted an incident years ago when Sgt Rumpf was involved in a dangerous call involving a despondent young woman with a knife. The Sheriff said many law enforcement officers would have likely taken lethal action against the woman, but Sgt Rumpf was able to help disarm her without incident and later helped direct her into the treatment program that she needed. "You have a calm and cool demeanor, and also a great heart for people. You have made a major impact on public safety in Yavapai county," the Sheriff said. 

Members of Sgt Rumpf's family spoke of his bravery, which was exemplified in 2023 when he was awarded the YCSO Medal of Valor for rescuing an injured citizen in the presence of gunfire. He also received a Sheriff's Letter of Commendation in 2001 for single-handedly capturing an armed robbery suspect. His wife told the gathering, "I know he is so highly respected here, and I am so proud of what he has done."

Co-workers cited Sgt Rumpf's example to others and the culture he developed in the workplace. One said, "We wanted to come to work every day". Another pointed out that many in the agency who served under Sgt Rumpf have now excelled and received promotions to a higher rank. 

Sgt Rumpf spent a total of nearly 28 years in law enforcement, but he said it took him a few years to finally break into the career after some setbacks. He cited family support as being critical during that time. "They believed in me and always supported me, and I am grateful for that."

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