Published on May 28, 2024

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Yavapai County Sheriff David Rhodes says being promoted within YCSO is a "big deal because our culture is succession planning."  One of the latest to experience that "big deal" is Forrest Nutter, who was promoted to Detention Sergeant on May 20, 2024.

Sgt Nutter joined YCSO in May 2019, and almost five years later to the day, he stepped into a supervisory role at the Prescott Detention facility. He told those gathered at the promotion ceremony that "the motivating factor to take this step was that I genuinely love the people here at YCSO. I hope to do great things here and to lead other people by example."

Sheriff Rhodes told the group YCSO is a "career organization where you can self-direct and work your way into the role and responsibility that most interests you", as several in the room could attest, having served in various parts of the agency over their careers. The Sheriff said, "Front-line supervision is one of the most important jobs in this agency, and we are excited to see people who want to take on that role."

Among those congratulating Sgt Nutter was Detention Services Commander Brent Kimbriel, as well as others Nutter has worked with in Detention over the past five years. Several generations of his family were also in attendance at the ceremony. 

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